Being snowed in was quite timely for my first blog post!
I could hear the squeals of delight from my children as a snowball is pelted at me. This inspired me to seize the moment and focus on creating a trail of hexagons in the snow (the hexagon is the main idea behind the Valentine interiors + design logo).
As a designer, the task of creating my own logo was challenging. I had to ask myself, what symbol best represents my work? The agony and desire to find that ‘crucial’ idea was painstaking. Ask any designer and the answer will always be the same…your own logo is the hardest one of all.
Finally the hexagon evolved. It developed when I reflected on my journey into interior and graphic design. It stemmed from my upbringing and exposure to artistic influences…and my childhood home. Designed and built by my parents, our home existed of four hexagons. It was the only hexagonal house I knew of. It was different, it was interesting and it was a talking point. I loved the fact that I could rearrange my bedroom, making creative use of the angled walls.
We had a hexagonal atrium in the centre of the house that you could gaze up through into the sky. The sky was framed by the hexagon and it was like a chameleon, always changing as the weather patterns set in. Stormy one day, sunny the next…always changing.
These snow photos take me back to my childhood, of experiencing the joy of seeing snow around my family home and in finding hexagons, just as I did as a child.
Perhaps I’ll revisit the hexagonal theme in the balmier months of Summer!